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The hammer and the mallets are super necessary woodworking tools and even if you may think that there are "just simple tools" to hit things , this is not the case exactly . Having some very nice...
The bark spud wood tool , you may think that it's not a must tool for anyone , because it's a kind of a primary treated wood - logs tool , but it's a wise think to have a couple of these in your...
When you act woodworking more or less in primary - raw lever , you need specific equipment for some "missons" and the bark spud is one of these specific equipment tools . The bark spud , may not...
One of the most serious woodworking jobs , among all is the wood holding and if you want , strong and steady results , the wood clamps are super necessary no matter what you're creating . Imagine...
Best Screw Guns , to help your woodworking joinery and more .
The screw guns is one of the most common and popular tools , every house has inside and of course it's a very helpful tool for your woodworking joinery and general actions . I don't think there...
There is no woodworker outhere who doesn't use wood glue for his assembling and joinery , no matter how experience or amateur he or she is . The wood glue is a first class material to secure your...
Woodworkers and people in general experiment since the beginning of time , of how they can join together , two wood pieces and how to secure this connection , the better they could and the wood glue...
Best wood Fasteners (nails , screws) , for perfect wood joinery .
You can never underestimate the precious help and the significance of the wood fasteners as the nails and scres , for the woodworking joinery . It's the most basic type of joinery from the...
What are the wood Fasteners( nails , screws) in woodworking ?
Many people think that the nails , the screws and generally the fasteners we are all familiar with and have all in our houses , aren't serious tools and maybe they "underestimate" them . This is...
Best Hand Drill – Brace & Bits , for perfect wood drilling .
The hand brace drill assisted with some nice bits and some egg beater style drills may look like "old style" woodworking , but they can give you high control and precision to make perfect holes on...
Seriousness , accuracy , "clear" mind , enough time , excellent preparation , good woodworking tools are some of the tthings you should have , in order to make correct wood drilling to your wood...
The sanding is a super serious woodworking action and it puts the final "Picasso" touches to your wood project , along with your finishing materials . The good sanding job , can erase small...
Best wood Brushes , for perfect and correct woodworking use .
It may seem to you that all brushes are the same and you can use whatever you want in woodworking , but this isn't 100% true if you want perfection . There are million of brushes outhere and...
We've been talking so widely - detailed and so much , about the general wood finishing materials , we can use , but without the appropriate brush , our results won't be as we want to be . The...
There is a big variety of products for wood finishing and "millions" of combinations you can do and experiment , but for sure the wood paint is a basic method . Just in a quick "reminder mode" ,...
No matter who you are , carpenter or not , there is no way that you haven't used paint in your life and if you're a woodworker , you know wood paint and its benefits , really well . The wood paint...
The wood laquer even if it has a very serious disadvantage concering the health area , it's a very popular woodworking finish and many carpenters use this method and finish approach . The musical...
If you say that the wood lacquer isn't a super basic wood finishing element , the musical instruments woodworkers and not only , will come and give you a "red card" and send you to the "locker room"...
Best Water Based Finishes , to secure perfect wood finishing .
Chemistry and woodworking are evoluting in paralell paths and the water based finishes , along with a couple of others are the latest evolution and very modern . The water based finishes have the...
What are the Water Based Finishes and why there are essential ?
Our modern times and the evolution of our times technology , has created many sophisticated wood finishing elements and the water based finished , are certainly some of them . The water based...
The finishing methods and combinations in woodworking are countless , every carpenter has its own preferences , but for sure the wood varnish finishing , is a very famous way and for a reason...
In the wood finishing area , we have the ability to use wood varnish that is from natural elements , as the pure double boiled( that we boil ourselves ) linseed oil and chemical based varnish . No...
No matter what kind of woodworker you are , the wood stain is one of the most basic methods for wood treatment and finishing . Cabinetry woodworker , rifle manufacturer , antique restorer , in...
In the wood finishing the use of chemical materials , provide plenty of choices you can choose for your wood and of course the wood stain is one of these and a good - basic one . Of course you can...
As all of the areas have their tiny or bigger "secrets" , so in wood finishing we have some "secrets" and techniques we should never do , because they have proven wrong during time . The knowledge...
Generally in woodworking and of cource in the wood finishing area , there are "secrets" that comes from the ancient times and their mission is to help all of us . As you can imagine , the human...
What are the best Natural and Chemical finishing combinations , for wood ?
The area in woodworking of the natural and chemical finishing combinations , are literally endless and the variety of the finishing results you cna get are beyond imagination . In here you can...
What are the best Chemical finishing combinations , for wood ?
When we're talking for the best chemical finishing combinations , we should be aware that the chemical combinations are way more than the natural ones , because the modern products are countless...
What are the best Natural finishing combinations , for wood ?
The undercoat , the final coating and in general the wood natural finishing in woodworking is a major chapter for all the woodworkers , amateur or professional , ones . The opinions are countless...
The oils and waxes are very popular , traditional and very capable wood finishing and of course the danish oil is a basic oil treatment for the woodworkers . The oil combinations , ideas ,...
In woodworking the decking oil isn't the only one we create for wood finishing and the danish oil mixture is another creation of the humans to reach finishing perfection , maybe . The danish oil...
Everybody knows or heard the decking oil and i'm sure many will think that the decking oil is made only for the marines , the boats , et.c , but this isn't exactly the case . The decking oil is a...
We don't use only natural oils for our wood finishing and when we want the best possible oil protection performance , the decking oil comes and fills this gap . The decking oil is maybe the...
The tung oil is another top oil you can have and use to protect , finish , seal and use for your woodcrafts and you can have it 100% natural or mixted with other oils . In China there is the tung...
In woodworking and in the finishing area , the materials we use are so many and in the area of the pure and natural ones , the tung oil , is another basic and a totally natural oil , you can use...
Another basic woodworking finishing oil , is the teak oil and i don't think that there is a non basic oil for the wood treatment . I like them all and they do an amazing protecting finishing job ....
In the woodworking finishing - protecting area , the teak oil is a column oil for wood , having serious advantages and properties , you cannot neglect . The teak oil , all alone or in several...
I don't want to say "big words' but the linseed oil is the "king" of all oils , maybe the most significant of all natural finishes and in my opinion , gives the most beautiful finishing result of all...
The linseed oil is the base , for many woodworking finishing methods , natural or not and it's a huge column for the preservation - protection - sealing - preparing the wood or make the final coating...
The wood shellac and the oils and waxes , must be the most ancient ways to preserve your wood and for sure there are very capable . The wood shellac is made from the mixture of alcohol and the...
The wood wax is a first class preservative - protector and finishing for any woodworking porject and if you can have and use pure one, even better . It isn't bad to use other than pure - beeswax ....
What is the wood Shellac , as preservative and wood finish ?
The wood shellac is one of the most traditional woodworking finishing elements along with the oils andit's not only a great preservative , but it gives many benefits , to a wood piece . We can say...
The wood wax is another excellent wood treatment solution in woodworking and along with the oils , are some of the most amazing protection methods you can use , for your wooden projects . The wax...
The wood oils aren't only preservatives and elements we use to preserve and protect our woodworking projects , but they give to wood many useful properties and features . No matter what type of...
The wax sticks are the best portable solution you can have , in order to repair your damaged wooden surfaces and they can do "magic" to small and medium wood wounds . You may have heard them as...
The wax sticks are maybe the most significant helper you can have in woodworking to fix mistakes , for the time after your last finishing coating and not before . This ability of the wax stick ,...
Best wood Grain Fillers , to reassure a perfect wood finish.
The grain fillers in woodworking are necessary if you want to make a perfect wood finish and don't have surface imperfections , in your wooden surface you're about to finish . The grain fillers...
What are the wood Grain Fillers and why there’re so flexible finish ?
The wood grain fillers are maybe the most important elements we use not only to just fill the wood's pores and continue with our next finishing steps , but to give the looks we want to our wood ....
A nice and capable wood restorer is extreme necessary for the work you should do to your wood , before your final finishing steps . The wood restorer products have unique chemical formulas , in...
What is the wood Restorer , and is it crucial for the wood finish ?
The wood restorer to the "chain" of the wood preparing and finishing process is a very crucial "ring" and from this stage you secure in a high level that your wood project , will last long . The...
Before you do whatever you want to do to your wood , you should remove the previous coating - finishing material from it and this is the job , for the wood finish removers . Yes , this is the...
The finish remover in the woodworking activity is a super important material for your pre-finishing steps and maybe is more important from the other elements you use to fill the wood' pores , to seal...
The wood sealer is a super significant material for your wood pre - finish preparation and i strongly suggest you to use the capabilities a good sealer has , to have your "head calm" . I know that...
What is the wood Sealer and is it Important to wood finish ?
Another serious product - helper for the pre- finishing treatment of a woodworking project is the wood sealer and its importance is undeniable for all kinds of projects , for all kinds of wood ....
A very nice and helpful wood preparation material you can use all alone or make combinations , is the wood putty and the results from it , are very satisfying . I know that all these different...
The combinations to fill a wood's pores and repair it , are countless and for sure the wood putty is a very classical and helpful solution , for the woodworkers . The old days , they made their...
Best wood Fillers to have and be Complete in this wood finish area .
The wood filler is another crucial and very helpful wood finish material , the woodworkers use for their woodcrafts and its significance is undeniable , especially when you have a more difficult open...
What is the wood Filler and why is so essential to your wood Finish ?
The wood filler or the wood grain filler is very important material - element , concerning the treatment of your wooden project , before you make your final finishing steps . We call wood filler...
Best wood Scraper , to help you smoothen your wooden surfaces .
One of the most common ways to smoothen a wooden surface is the use of the "shaving" force of a wood scraper and if you get familiar with it , you can do amazing job . It isn't difficult to use ,...
What is the Wood Scraper and is it important in wood finishing ?
While you're coming to the end of a woodworking project and you enter the phase of finishing , you'll need to detailed refine - rub- finish , your wooden surface and in here the wood scraper is a...
In woodworking , the sanding process is a column - basic process and it's not done only with power sanders , but we use sandpapers and several other abrasives ( pads , steel wool ) , manually ....
Best belt Sanders , to help your sanding process in woodworking .(+belts . )
The sanding procedure in wodwokring and we don't only use sandpapers , several abrasives and orbital sanders , but we use belt sanders also , which have a unique" "secret" advantage of the other...
Best Orbital Sanders , to help your sanding wood preparation .(+discs.)
The wood sanding is a basic and a column woodworking procedure and if you want to have a perfect finished wood plan , you should sand it pretty good , in order to proceed to your last oils , waxes ,...
What is wood Sanding and is it an essential process in woodworking ?
In the woodworking activity , no matter if you're an amateur or a professional carpenter , you'll have to do many types of actions and processes with wood . One very basic and essential process , is...
Best woodworking Files , to smoothen your wooden surfaces perfectly .
The woodworking files are one of the best smoothing tools you can have for your wooden surfaces and combined with the rasps - card scrapers - sandpapers ,et.c , they give amazing results . You can...
What is the woodworking File and is it a Shaping or a Smoothing tool ?
The woodworking files are the next step after the rough shaping use of your rasp in your wooden surface and of course are a very important woodworking tool for the carpenter . The correct and...
The rasps we use in woodworking is a very helpful tool and after you get familiar with them , you'll see that you can shape wooden surfaces , very fast , easy and accurate the same time . The...
What is the Rasp and is it a wood Shaping or Smoothing , tool ?
The rasp is a woodworking tool we all know and have seen in our lives , but many confuse its use and they think that all rasps are the same and that files and rasps are the same tools . Rasps and...
Best Hand Planes , to shape – smoothen your wooden surfaces .
The hand plane in woodworking isn't an auxuliary tool , but it's super essential if you want to smooth and trimming - correct your wooden surfaces , with easiness in a very high level . If your...
The chisels are for sure one of the most important hand tool in woodworking and if you want to slice - shape any design you want with precision and total control by you , you should have some ....
Best Carving Gouges to be complete , in this woodworking area .
Either you're creating - carving a wooden bowl , or you're carving and shaping something else in this woodworking area , to have a couple of good carving gouges , is surely essential . There are...
What is the Carving Gouge and is it an essential wood tool ?
The carving of wooden surface is always a serious woodworking job and when we talk for curved inside carving jobs , the carving gouge is for sure and essential assistant for the carpenter . For...
Best Carving Knives to be complete , in this wood shaping area .
The carving knives are essential hand tools , for your detailed wood shaping and every woodworker should have a couple of them , in order to complete his toolbox in this area . The carving knives...
In woodworking there are hand tools that may seem to be simple and common ones , but their help is essential and the carving knife , belongs for sure in this area . The carving knife may seem to...
In the green woodworking area , the shaving horse auxiliary tool - bench is a very helpful assistant of the carpenter , even if you have a nice and complete workbench to work with . If you have...
Best Drawknife , to make your wood slicing precise and easy .
Having a couple of good quality drawknives is a nice to thing to have along with your other green( and not only) woodworking tools to slice wood as you want , fast and easy . Have some with...
When you work with green and not only wood , the two handed drawknife is a woodworking hand tool , you'll need for sure in some stages of your work . It's a traditional tool , very easy to use...
The spokeshave in woodworking is a hand tool that allows you to do wood shaping in all the variety of your wooden surfaces , no matter how difficult and "strange" designs they've got . It has the...
The spokeshave in woodworking is a basic hand tool and it has the same significance , as the hand planes and the other hand tools . It isn't difficult to work with and it doesn't need expert...
If you're a woodworker and you make drills to wood using hand tools , the t - handle augers , is a serious assistant and gives precise and totally controlled holes . It isn't a diffucult hand...
What is the T – Handle Auger and is it essential for Green wood ?
The T - handle auger is a very well known woodworking hand tool , from the old times and it gives serious help when you ac with green wood , but not only then . It may seems a little difficult to...
Best Wooden Maul , for your wood splitting . ( + accessories . )
The wood splititng with the use of a wooden maul is a very easy and fast job , if you have a good maul and feel it nice in your hands . Yes , the wooden maul isn't a "secondary" hand tool and i...
The wooden maul is a hand tool that everybody has seen in a village or a warehouse and not only the woodworkers and for sure it isn't an auxiliary tool , used only rarely . If you're a woodworker...
If you want to seperate your wood's fibers , very accurate , very easy and fast , using a little physical force , the splitting froe , is a woodowrking tool you should have . It isn't an expensive...
In woodworking there are some tools you can skip having them and you won't have any serious disadvantage , but it would helpful having them and for sure the splitting fore , is one of this cases ....
In the green wood splitting area , the splitting wedges are serious helpers for the carpenter and it would be nice to have some from metal and some wooden ones . The wooden one it's very easy to...
When you want to split green wood - logs without using power tools , the splitting wedge is a very helpful assistant and can do the job very easily . It's an ancient of course way for splitting...
If you're a woodworker and you deal with green wood , you know for sure the necessity of the adzes and how smoothly , they shape wood and logs . Even if it's not a top priority ( maybe ) wood...
If you're a carpenter and you're dealing often with green wood , you surely know the adze tool and appreciate its necessary help for your woodworking projects . It's an ancient hand tool and it...
Best Axes , for a complete woodworking set .( + accessories . )
The woodworking axe is a basic and necessary carpentry tool to cut - chop - split wood in a primary level and having a nice set of axes , is always helpful . It's an ancient hand tools , but...
The woodworking axe comes from the ancient times , it has many types and it's a basic cutting hand tool for the carpenter , especially if you don't have the help of power tools . Even if you have...
Best Carving Hatchets , for your wood cuttings . ( + accessories . )
The hatchets are basic hand tools ll the woodworker know about and without a nice feeling hatchet , the wood cutting can be an easy theme , sometimes . Surely you all have seen hatchets and axes...
In woodworking you'll need to make several cuttings to wood in its primary form and the hatchet is a very helpful hand tool for the job . Before the industrial revolution and the power tools , the...
Best Hollow Chisel Mortiser , for holes – mortises . ( + bits . )
You can use your hand chisels and your drills to make holes and mortises in wood , but the hollow chisel mortiser will do the job , more easy , fast and correctly , in my opinion . Using a...
What is the Hollow Chisel Mortiser , for mortises and holes ?
The hollow chisel mortiser , looks like and it's similar to the drill press power tool , but it makes a more complicated woodworking cutting job . For sure it's a tool that helps the most the...
Best wood Lathe , for your wood turning . ( + accessories . )
The symmetrical and cylindrical perfection of a wood turning , for a woodworker who has a nice lathe , isn't a very difficult job and the help for such a power tool is quiet big . Especially if...
In woodworking many times you'll need to shape wood symmetrical and the power tool which is the best for this job , is the wood turning lathe . It may seems that this tool is kind of an "extreme"...
Best Drill Press , to drill holes and mortises . ( +Bits . )
The correct use with accuracy and the total control for making holes or "dig" your mortises is very essential in woodworking and the power drill press , gives what you want in here . Yes , you...
In woodworking the use of power tools is necessary , even if you can do many jobs with hand tools and for sure the drill press is a necessary power tool , in order to drill holes in wood ....
Best Power Jointer , for perfect Flattening – Squaring boards .
The basic starting point in order to flatten and then square your woodpieces , is the power jointer and if you do the job with care , you'll get a perfect flatten and square face and edge of your...
What is the Power Jointer , for squaring – flattening boards ?
A very important woodworking power tool for perfectly squaring and flattening your wooden boards , is the power jointer and for sure it's a basic machinery for all the carpenters . The hobbyist ones...
Best Thickness Planer , to make wooden boards thicknesses , Equal .
Another very useful and essential power woodworking tool is the thickness planer , in order to give your wooden boards the same perfect thickness , along their entire length . The thickness...
In woodworking another essential power tool for the carpenter is the thickness planer and even if it seems that it's for the more professional carpenters , it helps the most all the woodworkers ....
Having a nice structured and accurate woodworking miter gauge is essential in your cutting area and for sure a big helper , which gives you precision cuttings and safety . Yes , most of the times...
What is the woodworking Miter Gauge and is it a helpful tool ?
The woodworking miter gauge comes as an extra tool with your table saw and for sure is a necessary - helper tool , in order to make wood crosscuts , with accuracy and safety . One of the things...
Best Router & Bits , for hollow – trimming woodworking cuttings .
The power router is certainly an essential woodworking power tool , if you want to create perfect hollow patterns and trimming your wood . For many woodworkers( and me inside) the power router is...
What is the Router Power tool and is it helpful , for precision ?
Many woodworkers have the belief that the router power tool is absolutely necessary and essential in the cutting carpentry area and i cannot agree more . In the old days , before the power router...
The power miter saw gives precision and high accuracy cross-cuts , bevel cuts , in your wooden boards and stuff and even if it seems you can skip it and do the job with a circular saw , this isn't...
What is the Power Miter Saw and is it better than the Circular Saw ?
When you want to crosscut mostly , very precise wooden boards - pieces with safety , quite enough of portability and in multiple angles , the choice of a good power miter saw is necessary...
Best Circular Saw , to be portable fully covered .(+ accessories .)
If you want the best portable help and feel fully covered in your woodworking life , the circular saw is the power tool , you'll love . The only thing it requires from you is to be 100% serious...
What is the Circular Saw and is it a helpful portable tool ?
In the woodworking activity and in the power tools area , the "grand master" of portability and precision cross-cutting( and not only ) , is the circular saw . No matter if you're an amateur...
Best Bandsaw , to be fully covered in this area .(+accessories )
If you want to rip - crosscut wooden boards and cut curves , the bandsaw is a column woodworking tool for the amateur or the most advanced carpenter . Yes , you can do the job , using your rip...
What is the Bandsaw and is it necessary in the cutting area ?
If we agree that the combination of hand tools and power ones is the best woodworking approach , the bandsaw power tool , cannot be missing from a carpenter's tools machinery . The woodworking...
Best Table Saw choices for Portable or Stable needs .(+accessories )
For many woodworkers the table saw is the best saw you can have , concerning the power tools cutting area , especially if you could only have one tool for the job . Maybe they're right . Remember...
For many woodworkers , the table saw is the best and the most important carpentry tool in the woodworking cutting area and the number one tool you should buy first , for your power tools "armory" ....
The help of a nice and capable miter box is always welcomed by the woodworker , in the woodworking cutting area , no matter what type of miter box , this is . The wooden classic or the frame type...
What is the woodworking Miter Box and is it a helpful tool ?
Except all the other variety of hand tools and power ones , you'll need the helpful assistance of some secondary tools , to fulfill your carpenter tool "armory" . These secondary maybe tools are...
How to Sharpen woodworking Handsaws , Effectively and Easily ?
Beyond the purchase of your favorite handsaws , their nice storage without "hitting" them , the correct handsaw sharpening is a major woodworking job you'll need to do . The correct inspection of...
Best Handsaw – Panel saws – Back saws – Frame saws , to help your cuttings .
All the variety of the handsaws( dovetail , rip , crosscut , et.c ) , you'll find in woodworking are seperated in the three big categories of panel saws , back saws and frame saws . Before i'll...
What is wood Cutting process in woodworking and what , should i know ?
If you want to proceed from the level of seeing your prefered wood , to the level of having your exact prefered wood in your hands , wood cutting is the situation you should proceed . If you don't...
In order to complete your wood finishing to a final stage and use products with more chemicals than the natural finishes as the dyes , to give the protection - finish we want to our finished wooden...
Best wood Filler sticks , for your wood preparation . (+brushes .)
When you've cleaned your wooden surface with your removers and stuff and you're ready to proceed to your sanding , smooting , et.c , you may observe some smaller or bigger gaps in the surface ....
Best Sandpaper – Abrasives – Steel wool , to prepare your wood for finishing .
You've done the old finish removal from your wooden projects . Your surfaces are 100% clean from anything old and you want to smoothen your wooden surfaces to proceed to your oils and...
Best Waxes , to Protect – Finish your wood without strong chemicals .
If you don't want to use strong chemicals in order to seal-preserve and finish your precious wood pieces , you can use for sure many oils and waxes solutions for this . I personally like to use...
Best woodworking Bench – bench dogs -holdfast clamps – Storage kit .
The woodworking bench is for many carpenters and me of course , the most important wood machinery every carpenter should have and also try to have the best possible and appropriate for him . The...
Best Woodworking Vice for your workbench , to help you big .
Even if your woodworking bench will have many of the vices you'll need to start your woodworking projects , eventually you'll need to purchase some extra vices , to complete your tools "armory" ....
A carpenter no matter if he's(or she's) an amateur or a professional , he acts with wood pieces in order to create his woodworking projects and having a vice to help him , is crucial . Most of...
Best Protractor – Trammel Points – Feeler Gauges – Dovetail Markers , for your measuring .
In order to complete your woodworking marking and measuring equipment and have all the necessary wood tools , you need to have some protractors , some trammel points , some feeler gauges and some...
Best woodworking Straightedge and Winding Sticks , to check Flatness and Twist .
When you want to check the flatness of the edges and faces of your wooden boards while you squaring them , the straightedge is your appropriate woodworking tool for the job . You can find...
Best Marking – Striking knives , to help you make precise joint Layout lines .
When you want to create a joint using your chisels , you need to make very precise layout lines and the marking - striking knife is the woodworking tool for the job . You need a very precise...
Best Marking and Mortise Gauges , to scribe reference lines for your Joints .
When you want to create the most tight and best fitted furniture joints , you need the best possible marking and mortise gauges to do the job . The well fit , tight and strong assembled furniture...
Best Dividers – Compasses , for high accuracy measurements .
The dividers ( compasses ) are for sure a very serious woodworking tool and they help all carpenters ( amateur or not ) to take extremely accurate measurements . Using a divider you can take and...
Best woodworking Squares , to check verticality and mark your wood .
Can you check if your board's edge is perfectly 90 degrees vertical to its face , without a woodworking square ? No you cannot do that correctly and be 100% accurate . Can you make your joints...
Best Dial and Digital Calipers , to measure precise thickness .
In here and with this woodworking tool , you'll need to be very carefull to its use and storage and zero tolerance to damages is required . The dial and the digital calipers are extremely...
Best Pencils and Lead Holders , to mark wood with accuracy .
After the correct and best possible measuring of your wood , what will you need to help you proceed in your woodworking project ? You'll need to mark your wood with accuracy , but not only that...
You may have the best quality's wood , the best woodworking equipment and the best possible mood to create stuff , but if you make measuring and marking mistakes , you'll be "in trouble" eventually...
In the woodworking activity , if you want to be successful and create correct and beautiful woodworking projects , you should kmow of the measuring and marking tools you should propably have . No...
In the woodworking activity - hobby , or profession there are many opinions , concerning the toxicity you can confront and what you should do about it . Of course and it's very natural , every...
What is wood Acetylation and does it make your wood Better ?
Wood is an "alive" material , the woodworking activity is for sure a hugely alive activity , that's why the wood acetylation process , is a great evolution for the wood . The wood industry and...
What is the wood Furfurylation and Why does it optimize wood so much ?
The wood furfurylation is a very new wood improvement technology and it developed and started back in the beginning of the 2000 in the Norway . In our days and with our very big needs for wood , the...
Wood carving is the display of shapes and every kind of figure , above a wooden surface . Wood carving is a smaller sector of the sculpture art in general and it comes from the prehistoric times ....
Many times the woodworkers( amateurs or not ) are searching for ways to make their carpentry projects stronger , more protected in order to last longer and with the less possible problems ....
What is the woodworking Power Tools and Why they are important ?
Is it possible to start the woodworking activity without the basic material , the wood ? No you cannot . Is it possible to create your woodworking projects without the assistance of the carpentry...
What is tools Sharpening and Why is so important in woodworking ?
The most important maintenance job for a woodworker is the correct sharpening of his hand tools and after that , the correct storage for them , in order to be well sharpened for a long time . If your...
What are the wood Clamps , and how they help my wood plans ?
During the creation of your woodworking plans you'll need for sure many tool "helpers" and carpentry machinery , in order to be able to finish the "job" . The several type of clamps are for sure some...
The woodworking activity isn't only the creation of wooden tables , chairs , boxes and many more wood furniture for our houses . A large part of the woodworking activity is the carving activity and...
What is the hand Drill , the Brace & bits and what’s the Use of them ?
In the carpentry activity - hobby we act with wood , by shaping it and making the woodworking projects we want or need , eventually . Of course to do all these simple or more complex "jobs" we need...
What is the Hammer , what is the Mallet and do I need both ?
Woodworking is and activity - hobby which is a magnificent way of living , but it also has some "secrets" and details , which are making the difference . The "wise" combination of information and...
Woodworking activity in an amateur or a professional level , needs a variety of actions from the carpenter , in order to create his wooden projects and without the help of a wood chisel , you cannot...
In the woodworking activity the main and basic element is wood , which originated of course from the trees and without the precious help from the hand saw , we cannot do much . If you don't have...
In the woodworking activity , we act we wood and we create carpentry projects for job , or just for our inner happiness . To do these actions we need some materials , in order to shape our wood...
No matter if you're an amateur woodworker or not , you'll need to act with wood in order to shape it and create your carpentry projects , eventually . You'll need to cut it , drill it , carve it ,...
Why Oils and Waxes , are the best Natural finishes for wood ?
The wood protection from the external factors and its "enemies" , is a very serious situation and i've spend many hours and time , to discover the best ways to preserve wood . You can protect your...
All the ways , to Preserve your woodworking projects for years .
Either you're a total amateur carpenter making your first woodworking steps , or a professional who makes money from this job , to be able to preserve your carpentry projects effectively and for long...
Many of you may have questions , concerning the "things" a carpenter does during his day , no matter if you want to be a carpenter , or not . I should tell you that we're talking about a...
There are people who are inside the carpentry activity - hobby , just to have fun , relax their brains and give their soul happiness . There are also people who say yes to all the above , but...
I'm a girl and i live in a big city with many factories , businesses and in general many of our modern life's business activities . My parents are working in 2 of these big companies and as you...
I was born in a small village in the agricultural part in somewhere in the world . My village is a very small one and the people living in this village are mostly farmers , shepherds , some are...
The fear of many people , that maybe the carpentry activity is hard for the physical body and may cause health problems , is a serious fear . Maybe many people have abandoned their plans to be a...
They say i'm a master carpenter and everybody in the carpenter profession respects me , very much . They say i'm a master carpenter and when people have problems or "issues" with their wooden...
I suppose that many of you , may have in mind that carpentry is something very "extreme" and that the woodworkers are people with very elite skills and nobody can reach their level . I suppose...
At last you've made your "golden" desicion to enter to one of the most precious hobbies - activities on earth , the woodworking . At last you overcome all your fears and doubts maybe that woodworking...
I'm certain that in our "digital" times , many people who want to get in the carpentry activity , are wondering if it's possible to learn woodworking online and become good at it . I suppose many...
The best way to learn woodworking and how can you general start to gain experience , i'm sure that has passed from many new carpenter's minds . These "millions" of questions are "working" as an...
What are the 10 best selling wood Crafts , that will sell for Ever ?
No matter if you are acting the woodworking in a higher level and you are a professional carpenter , or you are kind of an amateur , to be able to sell some wood crafts of yours , is always welcomed...
What are the 10 hand-tools for woodworking , with Less than 100$ ?
No matter if you are an experienced woodworker or you want just to begin and you think that maybe carpentry is tough to do , the basic hand-tools is something you should know , very well . You...
What is the Cheapest wood to buy and make woodworking projects ?
Many woodworkers when they want to make some of their carpentry creations , they like to combine expensive wood pieces with a little more "common" ones and of course cheaper . Buying cheaper wood...
What is the Easiest thing to make out of wood , with only 01 tool ?
The easiest thing you can make out of wood is for sure one of my favorite woodworking subjects , because it reminds me my first "early" days . Anybody can start woodworking and if you want a...
If the woodworking is easy or not , maybe "scares" many people who want to enter this astonishing hobby and maybe it scares more , the Women - Ladies future woodworkers . The woodworking activity...
Where can you get wood for projects , is certainly a colossal "column" issue in the woodworking activity , because there times that you cannot have the luxury to have the amount of money to get wood...
The best place and the most easy to supply your woodworking tools , is maybe confusing many woodworkers , when they are about to make their purchases . The places to buy tools are so many and...
The color of wooden furniture that sells big is a question attached and combined with the factor of , what furniture sells the most , in order to have the entire selling mentality , concerning the...
The furniture which sells the most is for sure very important for the people who are acting with the woodworking activity and they want to make it a profitable job maybe . I can understand that...
The best saw you should have to create home projects is surely a "situation" which needs a complete and real life's answer for the ones , who are thinking to make their own handmade woodworking...
How much Money do you need , to Start a woodworking business ?
The money you'll need to start a woodworking business question , is something you'll find in your path to make the woodworking a profitable job and live from it . The money "issue" is always a...
If you can learn carpentry on your own is a question , mostly asked by the amateur woodworkers who maybe believe that woodworking is hard to learn hobby . Noone knew anything for carpentry , at...
Many woodworkers who started the carpentry activity for hobby and as an "escape" from their daily routine , have this question and when we talk about professions and money , "things" are always...
The posibility of making your own furniture , isn't only a viral question from people who want to create their first wooden furniture , but it's a motivation issue for the more experienced ones ,...
What kind of Math , do carpenters Use ? (realistic answer ) .
The kind of the math , the the carpenters are using in their daily wood techniques , maybe causes fear to the new woodworkers , who want to start a woodworking hobby . I know from my school years...
Let's say that you don't know anything about the woodworking way of life . Let's say that you don't know and you have no idea about the carpentry activity . Let's assume that you are a total...
What is the best saw for a Beginner ? ( timeless approach .)
The best saw for a total beginner , for sure is an issue which needs realistic approach and a mentality to fill all the "gaps" . Except all the above the woodworking hobby - activity , has a very...
If you want to start a woodworking hobby-activity , it's very natural to have many and serious questions , about it . Let's say that you are totally new to the wood "planet" for some reason . Of...
The free woodworking tools and how can you get some , is a situation that all the wood "lovers" have deal with it , even once in their lives . Mostly in their beginning of their "wood lives" , but...
If the woodworking is hard to learn is a timeless question , mostly from the amateur woodworkers and mostly when they are making their first steps and they're ready to make their first and most...
What is the most Dangerous woodworking Tool ? ( +safety tips .)
Safety and life , are above all and what is the meaning to act a hobby , or whatever else if you jeopardize your life , consciously and the worse thing , unconsiously . The most dangerous...
What is a good First woodworking Project ? (simple joints .)
The first woodworking project , is always a viral and serious situation among the amateur carpenters moslty . Your first woodworking project should be something , very simple , very strong to...
The order in which should i buy my first woodworking tools is a major woodworking question , especially when you start your woodworking "journey" and you're kind of confused . The order to...
What is the most Useful woodworking tool , for a Pro or Not , carpenter ?
I'm sure that you shouldn't have to be a professional carpenter or someone with elite knowledge , in order to have this very significant question . Who hasn't played with wooden toys , self-made...
What wood is Good for furniture , instead of the Expensive ones ?
The types of wood which are good for furniture , i'm sure that has crossed the minds of millions of people and not only in the woodworking area . You hear many opinions and this is very normal ,...
Why the caprenters pencils flat and not round ones i'm sure has entered the minds of all people , they see them . The answer to this so simple and "common" question is very simple and maybe a funny...
The general "health" of your wooden furniture is a basic one , no matter if you are an amateur woodworker , a more experienced one , or just a "common" person who owns wooden furniture. You...
Woodworking tools , complete list and maintenance tips .( 90 tools .)
The woodworking tools list , is a very important factor in our woodworking "planet" and i'll try to cover all the basic and necessary tools you should have in your warehouse or carpender's box ....
If the woodworking is hard physically and mentally is a question i hear inside the wood "planet" very often . The one thing that i like very much is that i see many people and of course many...
The woodworking cost and if it's an expensive activity , is another major "issue" for many woodworking people who want to begin , acting with wood . We are living in difficult times and the money...
The woodworking as a life's job , i'm sure is a question that has crossed many minds , i suppose . We live in "strange" and difficult times and the jobs area is for sure a difficult area . It's...
The dangers in the woodworking activity for sure needs a complete safety approach , in order to be safe and avoid bad "surpises" What is the purpose to have a hobby , a passion , something to...
You can find easily "common" wood trunks , logs , et.c very easily and in best prices , but there is wood which you can find more rarely , to use it for your woodworking projects . In our...
The wood "planet" is endless , and as much as you "deal" with it you learn , but there is some knowledge , which is stable . All these stable factors and knowledge we have for the wood generally ,...
A mentality guide to identify the good quality wood( expensive or more "common" one) , no matter how experienced you are concerning the wood , is always a serious question among woodworkers ....
Why Colored wood is a great choice , instead of Expensive ones ?
I know that in our wooden "world" all people who loves to make woodworking projects , cannot always buy expensive wood pieces . To this pocket mostly problem , the colored wood is a great and way...
The wood love and other emotions in order to enter to the wood "planet" are necessary , but the woodworking tools , are necessary also . Woodworking "Lovers" need Woodworking Tools . I suppose...
Nailing a pin to a wooden surface you may think that it's a very easy "thing" , which even a baby can do , but that's not quite accurate . Everything in our "wooden planet" has it's own "secrets" and...
You are ready to make your first woodworking project and of course you need to know , what are the basic woodworking tools you should have . Power or hand tools . Of course at your first steps ,...
How can you tell if your furniture is solid Real wood ? ( + tips .)
If your furniture is solid wood or not , is one of the major and timeless questions concerning wood . Many people experienced or not , woodworkers or just wood "lovers" , may have experienced the...
I know that many like their woodworking plans to be as "raw" and primary can be , but i respect the people who like their wood plans , having other general approach , concerning their projects...
Wood is a very sensitive material and for sure during your woodworking projects , you'll need to connect - join your wood pieces in order to make your creations a reality . But as you can imagine...
How can you make your wood unburnt is a very serious question for all the woodworkers . I think that among the wood's "enemies" ,the most serious one and the one who can vanish our beloved wood ,...
In the woodworking activity there are many million people participating around the world and as you can imagine , there are many millions of desires and opinions , concerning the woodworking...
The properties the errors and the enemies of wood is a primitive knowledge , attached to the first "step" , the humans made on our astonishing planet . Wood is "Alive" , woodworking knowledge is...
Guidebook , to choose the Appropriate wood for your projects . ( 35 crafts . )
A useful guide for the types of wood and where they're used mostly , is always an "immortal" wood theme . As an "alive" material it has different types and "behavior" . We can separate it , from...
The correct drying of your wood totally natural and without using any drying equipment( ovens , et.c) , is basic for the woodworking activity , because not all have the money for equipment . If...
What are the Common projects for woodworking ? ( easy for everyone .)
The common projects for woodworking , is one of the first questions( but not the only one ), the woodworker has , during his first steps . Why did you start this so astonishing and "magic" hobby...
What type od wood is expensive , will always be a "viral" woodworking question , because money will always be an "issue" . All kinds of wood aren't the same of course and even if we have...
What is the darkest wood color is a "puzzle" question in the woodworking activity , but it should not be , even if wood has many color shades , et.c . In here , concerning the darkest wood color ,...
What color is wood may seem an easy question i suppose , but not always . All wood isn't the same , around earth and in every place you are , wood has differences and unique properties . The area...
Characteristics – Properties of all the Basic wood types . (+ botanical names. )
The exact characteristics and the properties of the wood you can find , many of people haven't clarified in their brains and it's very understandable . In a cm3 , we have more than 1.000.000!!!!...
What wood you should Never Burn , in a Fireplace ? ( list + videos .)
One major mistake we all do , mostly from our "speedy" city lifestyle ( when you are in a continue rush you "don't think" ) , is that we burn in our fireplaces , whatever wood we find and this is...
How wood is created and How you can count the Age of a tree .
Wood is the center of our beloved woodworking hobby and we should learn as much as we can for it . We're interesting to know as much as we can for the wood , not because we are going to give exams...
Wood exists on earth from day one and we have seperated it into 3 types , into 3 basic columns , in order to act with it and create woodworking projects , according ot the properties the wood has ....
Choosing hand - tools or power tools for your woodworking projects , is a "situation" all the woodworkers have confronted in their "wooden lives" . For all of us in the wood "planet" , the...
The woodworking way of life is way more than creating wood projects and admire them . Of course this isin't a bad thing , but woodworking is deeper than that . Woodworkers don't compete to anyone...
This a fantastic story concerning a Champion who is a Carpenter , or a Carpenter who is a Champion ? I don't know either . Anyway my "hero" speaks for inner emotions , the woodworking can provide to...
When you are a total beginner to a new area/field is very common to have fears and the same maybe happens to you , concerning the woodworking area . In order to tell you the basics for your entry...
My first couple of wood projects , were wood projects of a complete amateur carpenter and of course nailing and screwing into wood , was a big issue . My first projects , which are very common...
If you have no Money and Skills , woodworking is “forbidden” ?
I know that , watching the "countless" youtube videos concerning the woodworking hobby and way of life , you may think that this is a hobby only for few . I know that you see all these guys and...
How the Japanese make their wood Weatherproof , without Toxic ? ( + videos )
You can use this Japanese method to make your wood weatherproof , without toxic and make your wood , or your woodworking projects ""immortal" . It's cheap , simple , timeless and works with any kind...
A way to dry raw wood without cracks , is something all woodworkers should have in mind and it's not a very hard process to do all alone . You can dry your raw wood you've cut , doing some small...
When you cut Unknown Raw wood , there is a danger Inside its mass .
So , you are ready to begin your cuts in the wood piece you've collected out in the forest , or you bought it from a carpenter shop , or whatever . I prefere to find wood from a forest , which is...
There are million trees in our astonishing planet outhere and of course there are many types of wood , with different properties , different looks , different use , different beauty ( all kinds of...
There is a way to straighten your dent "injured" wooden surface you want to and you don't know how to do it . This so precious "secret" , comes from very old knowledge and i didn't know it...
During the process of drying and keeping inside your home , the wood you have found in the wild forests , there is something you should know , so you can avoid "surprises" . See this little...
So the time has come and you are so anxious to make your first wood box , your first wood small table for your afternoon coffee or whatever your "thirsty" wooden soul desires . And you love the...
For all of us , the woodworking "lovers" this so "sweet problem" , is timeless and "captures" much time of our thinking . If you have always enough money , to buy any wood material and surface you...
Working with wood as a complete amateur or a more advanced carpenter , is one of the most popular hobbies-activities in the world and for sure a unique psychotherapy...
Are you totally mad for woodworking ? Are you getting thrilled and crazy when the time to make a wood project arrives ? Welcome aboard to my woodworking passion blog and be prepared for this...
Coming very soon .
Coming very soon .